Financial Assistance to Gad-Hanjis (Fishermen)

Description of the Scheme Nylon twine thread is provided to fishermen who are license holders from the Fisheries department and whose annual income does not exceed Rs. 3600/-. Applications shall be invited by the District Social Welfare Officer (DSWO) from Gad-Hanjis for grant of financial assistance in the relevant form. The DSWO shall verify the application and prepare the list of deserving cases to be placed before the Committee for consideration.

The assistance shall be admissible if the following conditions are fulfilled:
1. The applicant is a permanent resident of the State;
2. The applicant is a Gad-Hanjis and possesses license from the Fisheries Department for the last 3 years consecutively;
3. The income of the applicant does not exceed Rs. 3,600 per annum;
4. The applicant has not received assistance under this scheme during the last 2 years.

Sanctioning authority is the District Level Committee headed by the District Development Commissioner with the District Social Welfare Officer as Member Secretary. The Committee shall consider the cases and issue appropriate order within one month. On the basis of approval of the Committee, the DSWO shall issue sanction to the grant of financial assistance.

Value of financial Assistance
The financial assistance will be sanctioned on the following rates:
1. License holders having paid fee of Rs. 50/-: Rs. 500/-
2. License holders having paid fee of Rs. 40/-: Rs. 400/-
3. License holders having paid fee of Rs. 30/-: Rs. 300/-
4. License holders having paid fee of Rs. 20/-: Rs. 200/-